Geo referenced approach plates - iFly General Discussions

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Geo referenced approach platesGeo referenced approach plates
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7/7/2011 6:44 AM


How is progress looking for release of the geo referenced approach plates update? Are you still shooting for a pre-Oshkosh release date? I continue to use the Ifly700 several times a week in my RV4 and my enthusiasm and confidence in the unit has not diminished. Although there is competition from app based navigation systems, the Ifly700, is still the best product of it's type on the market. I like the fact that it is focused on aviation and not multiple uses. Hopefully the aviation market will continue to appreciation the product and the company will have ongoing growth.


New Post
7/7/2011 9:38 AM

Hi Allen,

We are making steady progress. But building software is nothing like building a bridge: With programming you often don't know how wide the river is when you get started. But here is a quick update:

The Georef plates feature is 95% done. What remains is a LOT of testing on the data, which we are purchasing from Essential Flight Technologies. They are new to this game, and we're working together to ensure the data is high quality. We also need to figure out how technically the licensing will work on this feature. But some good news: We are going to include this with all the IFR subscriptions, the price will be $10/year more, so instead of $89/year the IFR subscription will be $99/year.

The ADSB feature is the one with the wider river. But there are no serious pending issues, we just have more programming, tweaking, optimizing, etc, to do.

We intend to demonstrate both of these features at Oshkosh. And we hope to release to beta shortly after that (unfortunately not before). For the reasons explained above, I don't commit to specific dates. But (unlike many companies) I don't mind being open with our plans and intentions. Just don't take any of this too the bank.


Walter Boyd
President, Adventure Pilot
New Post
7/7/2011 7:38 PM


Your candor and integrity are what make the company and product standout amongst the competition. There is nothing caste in stone about releasing the geo-referenced approach plates prior to Oshkosh. The Ifly700 is a great product with or without the geo-referenced approach plates. Thanks for your prompt response.


New Post
7/8/2011 1:46 PM

Hope you are still going with the Skyradar ADS-B receiver as I already have one because of one of your former posts. I receive it on my Iphone now and it works great except for small screen. Couple of weeks ago we flew from FL to PA and NY and back in our Rans S7S and reception was good all the way and coming back into FL we would probably landed because of weather, but with the Skyradar we easily picked our way around it.

One problem I did have though was the program current draw was more than the charge cord was putting into the Iphone as the battery slowly ran down. This was a 81/2 hour flight.


New Post
7/16/2011 11:56 PM


It's been awhile since I looked into ADS-B, but I remember them talking about traffic and weather. Do you plan on incorporating both or just weather?

Thanks, Jayson

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