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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Did you know IFLY could do this?Did you know IFLY could do this?
New Post
11/6/2016 3:45 PM


Is this something I could install on my Experimental Avid Flyer MK4?

How pricey is it and what about the weight?

John M

New Post
11/6/2016 3:56 PM

Touch on that mark and the little boxes next to the airport identifier will turn to either red, yellow or green.
Guess I don't have my glide ratio in the profile - when I touch "nearest" I get the list but they are not color-coded.
Since I fly a Zenith STOL 750, I suspect the glide ratio is somewhere between a brick and the Space Shuttle!
(Actually, I took the slats off and it glides a lot better!)
John A

New Post
11/6/2016 3:58 PM
Absolutely. It was designed for your type of aircraft. Cost is only $3K, plus $200 for the wiring harness. That's all you need, unless you need to buy a few other electrical parts to make all of the features functional (auto-trim if you have electric trim, fuell function fuel display, etc). Weight is 2.8 lbs total. Check out their website. The features are astounding. Plus, the guys that own the business are not unlike the iFly crew. They will bend over backwards for you.
New Post
11/6/2016 3:58 PM
Absolutely. It was designed for your type of aircraft. Cost is only $3K, plus $200 for the wiring harness. That's all you need, unless you need to buy a few other electrical parts to make all of the features functional (auto-trim if you have electric trim, fuell function fuel display, etc). Weight is 2.8 lbs total. Check out their website. The features are astounding. Plus, the guys that own the business are not unlike the iFly crew. They will bend over backwards for you.
New Post
11/6/2016 6:00 PM

John A

Glad to hear you shed the slots. I've been trying to get my buddy Walt to do that ever since he started the 750 build 3 years ago.

Now all you need is some VGs and you'll have the same STOL without the weight and drag of the slots.

Now back to the question at hand.

Go into your aircraft profile and put in your glide ratio. It's got to be at least 8:1.

Then go into the simulation mode and climb out to about 4000 msl.

Then head your aircraft toward your local airport.

Hit NEAREST and click on the red triangle at the top right.

All the airports listed will be red until you fly your simulation close to the nearest airport.

As you approach the airport, assuming you are a good distance AGL you will see the colors in the airport box closest to you turn to yellow and then green when you are high and close enough.

If you touch on that close airport you will see a course line from your aircraft to that airport.

It will tell you how many miles to the airport and the direction arrow plus the baro pressure and if it is VFR.


Just take off and fly toward an airport while in the NEAREST function and watch the colors change.

So much info at the touch of a finger.

Just play with it and you'll begin to feel comfortable with it.

John M

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Did you know IFLY could do this?Did you know IFLY could do this?