Sectional Clarity, Resolution - iFly General Discussions

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Sectional Clarity, ResolutionSectional Clarity, Resolution
New Post
4/23/2011 10:29 PM

I just received the iFly 700 and am very impressed with its ease of use. Was able to enter a flight plan right from the get go. I'm really hoping you update with the terrain avoidance feature as mentioned in the wish list section, even if it would be a one time cost to upgrade, than this unit will put my Garmin unit to shame. However....

Is there any way to increase the resolution of the sectionals? The image appears clear when zoomed out, but I can't read all the information presented as it's too small. When zoomed in, the image blurs and the smaller print is still very hard to read, if not unreadable. I was hoping this unit and the subscription updates would eliminate the need to have to buy paper sectionals.

New Post
4/25/2011 2:07 PM

Hi Dave,

Glad you like the iFly. The terrain avoidance feature is moving along. The data we're using for this feature is publically available, so there will not be an aditional charge for this. As long as you are subscribing to our data updates, when this feature becomes available it will be a simple software update on your iFly.

Regarding sectional resolution: Honestly, this is the first time someone has asked for this. The charts are extremely high resolution. When you zoom into "zoom level 4", the displayed chart is about the same size as a printed sectional. But you can more than triple this resolution by zooming all the way in. Attached is a screen shot at zoom level 4, and zoom level 2, as an example. Does the resolution you're seeing seem to differ from this?


Walter Boyd
President, Adventure Pilot
New Post
4/26/2011 2:55 PM

Thanks Walter for the quick response.

I live in Hawaii and of course was looking at the Hawaii sectional. The Hawaii iFly sectional is not as clear as the screen shots you posted. But I did go to a couple sectionals in the lower 48 (mainland to me) and found them to be just as clear as your screen shots. Perhaps due to the fact that the Hawaiian Islands are laid out diagonally across the sectional (the Lat and Lon lines don't run parallel to the edges of the chart as they do on mainland sectionals, but run 35 to 40 degrees askew) when the photo was taken of the Hawaii sectional the camera had to be moved further away to get the complete sectional in (I'm just guessing how you do this). When the new sectional comes out, would it be possible to leave the camera position at the same setting as the mainland sectionals and just take two shots in order to maintain the clarity?

Maybe to sway you, I do have at least two more friends here looking at getting the iFly. And they're the only two I've shown the unit to so far. :)

Aloha, Dave

New Post
4/26/2011 3:50 PM

Ah, that now makes sense. Unfortunately the problem is a little bigger; these charts are provided by the FAA - and (probably for the reasons you cite) the Hawaii chart is a lower quality than the typical horizontal charts. You can download the raw charts here if you want to take a look:

I have a contact at the FAA, I'll inquire as to the possibility of having that corrected.


Walter Boyd
President, Adventure Pilot
New Post
4/26/2011 10:38 PM

Thank you Walter! I see this has nothing to do with your fine product.

I did go to the site you refered to and downloaded the Hawaiian Islands sectional. It appears just the same on my computer as it does on the 700. It would be great if your influence with the FAA would help in correcting this. I'll send a note to them as well.

But alas, we just seem to be an after thought out here in the middle of the Pacific. We don't get WAAS for our GPS, or XM for weather, so blury sectionals are apparently good enough for us too. :(

Aloha, Dave

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