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New Post
5/9/2016 1:12 PM

I'm doing something wrong. On both my Android device (using 4G signal) and my 740 (using Stratux ADSB over it's wifi) my weather - including NEXRAD - does not update. I get the weather and NEXRAD initially but it never changes until I shut it down and restart. End result, I'm looking at very old WX and NEXRAD until it either goes away or I shut down.

I'm sure it's me but any help?

New Post
5/9/2016 1:38 PM

New Post
5/9/2016 2:34 PM

Yes, but that is little help. Off and on, the Android will update but mot the 740. I show connected to the Stratux Wifi but the weather is 5+ hours old and the Nexrad has disappeared. It's like it sees it once and never updates.

New Post
5/9/2016 2:38 PM

New Post
5/9/2016 3:51 PM
OldPilot wrote:
Sorry, if I am "of little help." Why do people criticize people for trying to help?
Not sure how you could interpret that as a criticism.......
If anyone has an idea what I'm doing wrong, I'd appreciate the help. Particulariy, the 740 gets the weather info once from the STRATUX but never updates. The Android device does update occasionaly but it is sporadic at best. The observations will be 3+ hours old but even a manual update is met with a "Last update is less than one minute old. It's too soon to update".
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