I'm running a 720 on Version 8.2.50 connected to a TruTrak autopilot. Usually, it works perfect. Lately however, I've noticed that over the course of say,, a 1 hr. trip, I'll be flying along and out of nowhere, the airplane takes a left or right turn. It will usually get me about 5 or 10 degrees off heading, then go back to the original course to my destination. There's no indication of a GPS signal drop and I have it coupled to the ADSB antenna as well. Ultimately, it will re-intercept and continue on. Usually, this occurrs no more than twice on a 1 hr. trip. Any ideas? By the way, it's done this on the last two previous version of iFly software as well. I'm also running a Skyguard ADSB Tranceiver. Could cell phone Bluetooth cause this? I'll make sure thats disabled on my next trip to rule that out.