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1/22/2016 8:49 AM


I am not electronics savy but I have been following the Raspberry Pi discussion and I have a question.

Since the Raspberry Pi, ADSB solution is just a simple computer with software and a radio dongle and antenna why can't we just plug the antenna and radio dongle into an iPad or the iFly units which are also computers?


New Post
1/22/2016 10:34 AM

You can do just that today; on an Android device. All you need is a SDR and a OTG cable. Look in the Google Play Store for ADSB Receiver Pro. One drawback is that the SDR is somewhat power hungry and it uses the Android device's battery pretty quickly, but the major drawback is that it doesn't support iFly.

C177RG: iFly 720, Stratux 978/1090 ADS-B in, AHRS, BMP, Stratus ESG ADS-B out. RV-3: 8" Samsung Tab A, Stratux 978/1090 ADS-B in, AHRS, BMP, Stratus ESG ADS-B out.
New Post
1/22/2016 10:41 AM

And the OTG solution will only be one frequency. The CW is that all the GA aircraft are on 978. But in my area, a major flight school uses 1090 in their Pipers. For now, I change my Stratux from 1090 on the ground (where I can watch aircraft lining up on Final) and switch to 978 in flight. But since I'm not ADS-B Out, I don't always get traffic. I'm planning to update to two SDR's.

New Post
1/22/2016 10:48 AM

The OTG freq. is switchable as well.

C177RG: iFly 720, Stratux 978/1090 ADS-B in, AHRS, BMP, Stratus ESG ADS-B out. RV-3: 8" Samsung Tab A, Stratux 978/1090 ADS-B in, AHRS, BMP, Stratus ESG ADS-B out.
New Post
1/22/2016 11:58 AM

When I added a second receiver to my Raspberry Pi, it worked great except did not get enough power from a battery to keep the computer light constantly on. I tried several batteries and power cords. Some worked better than others, but none kept the light on. That's why I converted mine to use the airplane 12v source and ditched the battery. It works great now.

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