I have been struggling trying to get my iFly 720 to upload position data to the GRT EFIS. This morning It worked out. Called GRT and I also read the iFly forum info to discover what might have been wrong.
If wiring a D-sub 9 pin connector to the iFly USB to D-Sub 9 pin harness you want to use a D-sub connector with insertable pins. Only insert and wire 2 pins, the Ground (Pin 5) and your EFIS RS232 input (Pin 3). For some reason the solderable 9-pin D-sub connector pins cross talk and the iFly does not want to put out a signal.
Also to ensure you are outputting a signal from the iFly to your EFIS set the iFly to simulation mode so the unit will send NEMA data out to the EFIS. You can see the data flow on the EFIS setup screen. It may not send a signal in a hanger or without Satellite lock. Simulation mode guarantees data output so long as your simulating the aircarft flying.
One more comment, use the iFly USB to D-Sub 9 pin accessory harness as it has the chip installed to communicate the RS232 data. Some USB to D-sub connectors jumpers do not work.