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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...The Arrow has been soldThe Arrow has been sold
New Post
8/28/2015 10:42 AM

I handed the keys for the Arow over to an Aero club near Dayton last night. I just wasn't flying anough to make aircraft ownership practical. As part of the deal I will however gt five years free membership and will have an opportunity to fly the Arrow and several other aircraft including Warriors, Archers and maybe even a Decathalon.

Here is my question, there are a ton of wires associated with my old SkyGuard TWX that make it a little impratcial to move form aircraft to aircraft. If I remember correctly there are a couple simpler ADS-B in units that are battery operated and just set on the glare shield. Which of those seem to be working best for ADS-B in?

New Post
8/28/2015 11:50 AM

I fly rental aircraft using my SkyGuard transceiver and an IPad Mini 3 with suction cup mount. I fly 3 SkyCatchers and a Remos. It's not a problem and only takes a couple minutes to take it out of my flight bag and get set up.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...The Arrow has been soldThe Arrow has been sold