Bill wrote:
Thank you so much for confirming that I am not crazy :)
Can you clarify on how the SkyGuard eliminated the need for Sectional updates? I know I get TFRs, TAFs and weather on my Skyview via ADSB but I still have to update the sectionals the ole fashioned way. I assumed IFly was the same.
Not sure what my brain was trying to type. Ever since the iFly connect came out I have left the 720 in my aircraft, and use two SD cards to cycle new beta updates and charts to the airplane from home. On the rare occasion that one of the Beta's doesn't play well I can slip the old SD card back into the unit and move on. The Skyguard eliminated the need for me to update the weather on the ground which was the main reason I was wanting to use the hotspot.
Hope that helps.