The SkyGuardTWX still is in the testing stages, so I imagine there are a few hurdles left.
I'm sure the "Certified Units" will increase substantially in price, thought still much less than FreeFlight and NavWorx systems. With that said, the 2020 Mandate is only for the "ADS-B Out" portion, so you'd still want the Dual-Band Receiver to be able to see the Weather from the ground link and Traffic being sent from other aircraft. The $1,399 divided by the next 6 years is only $233 per year for Weather and Traffic, and you still have a Dual-Band Receiver at the end, if not the whole thing if the ADS-B Out is approved. It was a gamble I took as I'll want ADS-B In for sure.
FreeFlight and NavWorx both have their certification, it took them quite some time to accomplish that. We currently support the NavWorx ADS-600, ADS-600B and ADS-600BG at this time.
We have been working with FreeFlight to integrate their ADS-B, and hope to have it communicating with the iFly 720. The iPad/ Android App for iFly GPS may be along shortly too. Stay Tuned.