Walter Boyd wrote:ErgonomicMike wrote:Walter Boyd wrote:Cobra wrote:
The one bit of artificial intelligence I would like to see incorporated into the flight planner is when starting a new plan, try to guess the starting point. If iFly can detect that it's at an airport (maybe by using the same logic it uses to automatically switch to RealView mode), then offer that automatically as the Departure point for new flight plans. Otherwise, start with a blank page.
BTW, iFly should already detect your departure location if you are on (or very close to) an airport.
Walter, are you saying that iFly should be "auto-loading" (or "Auto-offering") the Departure Airport as the first entry in the Flight Plan page? If yes, it's never done that for me. (Android version.)
Yep, while on a field touch Menu / Fly Direct To, enter an airport code. Or, touch an airport on the map and select the Fly-direct-to option. The departure field will be assumed.
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I don't much use the "click on an airport and fly direct-to" functionality of iFly. I usually have multiple waypoints in my plan, and I typically start building my plan from the Flight Plan page.
When I do, the first step is always to enter the Departure Point. When I'm sitting in my plane or in an FBO doing this, I'm always a little bit disappointed that iFly isn't smart enough to auto-populate the origin.
Maybe when you click the "Clear" button, if iFly doesn't detect that you're at an airport, it just clears the plan. If it detects you're at an airport when you press the "Clear" button, iFly could pop up two buttons: "[Create new blank plan]" and "[Start new plan from KXYZ]"?
That would cost one additional button press if you didn't want your plan to start from the airport you were sitting at, but would save five button presses if you did.
An alternate way to do it would be to leave the "Clear" behavior alone, but then when you click the "Set Departure Point" button, the data entry screen auto-populates with the airport you're sitting at. Again, if that's not what you want, you could click the "Clear" button and type in what you want instead; else, you just click Done.