New to IFly - Is there a web tool, or only the Android App for p

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly GPS for An...iFly GPS for An...New to IFly - Is there a web tool, or only the Android App for planning purposes?New to IFly - Is there a web tool, or only the Android App for planning purposes?
New Post
4/22/2019 9:47 AM

Well, what's your time worth?  For $25/yr you can let the software do the work by syncing data between your home PC and your tablet via the internet.  You don't have to do any shuttling around of your SD card or your tablet, assuming you don't have to bring your tablet home to get it on the internet.  Divide $25 by how much time in a year you spend doing your current workaround and decide if your time is worth more than that.  Also, you get the benefit of consistency by working with the same tool on both platforms.

Powrachute PC 2000; Aventura II; Cherokee 180
New Post
4/22/2019 1:06 PM

Guess I should have looked at the price before posting. Just upgraded to multi-device.

New Post
4/22/2019 1:43 PM

Now that you can, you might want to load it on your phone.  I find that that's a nice backup to the tablet when flying in general (and specifically when it's hot out and I leave the tablet on the yoke mount and forget to cover it -- the tablet will not work right until it cools).  I also use the phone's iFly for looking up stuff, checking weather, etc. while on the ground (outside the plane). 

The other day I was flying along on a short hop with someone and the pilot realized he hadn't looked up the AWOS & CTAF freq's or the runway numbers for our destination (I know, shame on him).  So I whip out my phone and voy-lah we had what we needed.

What I did with my 4th license is load iFly on my buddy's iPad.  He rarely uses it, but when we're on a long cross country he can use his tablet on the yoke mount on the passenger side and be able to look things up, or "spell me" by flying the flight plan using his tablet.

Just some suggestions/examples regarding really getting your money's worth from the extra $25/yr.

Powrachute PC 2000; Aventura II; Cherokee 180
New Post
4/22/2019 3:36 PM

Great suggestions - thanks.

New Post
4/23/2019 1:10 PM

You don't need another whole subscription.  Just $25 pays for using the product across several platforms.


HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly GPS for An...iFly GPS for An...New to IFly - Is there a web tool, or only the Android App for planning purposes?New to IFly - Is there a web tool, or only the Android App for planning purposes?