So far, I converted a Seattle Avionics Voyager (MS Windows based) flight plan to Google Earth (several options by Voyager) and that file did load on Google Earth (KML). Then copied file to the #Flightplans directory on the SDCard. Loaded IflyGPS (v 9.8.10) and the file (KML) did show under the Flight Plan option (tab), but will not load at all. When I took the KML file and converted it to a GPX file using "GPS Visualizer", then copied that file to the #Fliightplans folder, the GPX file did show and did load up on the moving map and will be able to use it (GPX files). Voyager can also save as a Garmin file (*.fpl) and then converted to GPX. The key is that the file must be a GPS file in order for "GPS Visualizer" to convert to GPX for IFLY GPS to use. Anyhow, that is how I am able to convert Seattle Avionics 'Voyager" flight planner files (*.fp) to be used with IflyGPS (Android).
Wala - enjoy! *.fp or *.fpl - to KML - to GPX, copy and load!
Voyager (MS windows based) can output flight plan files to Anywhere Map (txt), Bendix/King AV80R, Franson GPS Gate (*.gpssim), Garmin GPS handheld, Garmin GPS Panel (*.fpl), Google Earth (KML), Lowrance GPS, Microsoft Flight Simulator (*.PLN), Standard Voyager FDX files, Hilton Software WingX. Of those, *.FPL andf KML can be converted to GPX for use with IFly. In the beginning, I used Anywhere Map on a little Dell X51 using *.txt files from Voyager. Today, we have IFlyGPS on Samsung 8.4 Tab S- Amoled screen. Doesn't get anybetter at least to me as a VFR Pilot. Thankx!