howudodat - Our Samsung S2 is running stock 6.0.1. I've installed the GPS app you suggested and it appears that the GPS is working pretty well. It will be a few days before we can fly as the wx is way below minimums.
Here's a breakdown of the issues we've had with the Samsung and iFly.
I also realize that if the issues are more specific to the tab and not the app that this might not be the place to address them, but we certainly would like to figure out what's going on and input such as yours is truly valuable to us. We use the tab for lots of different applications, but none are as mission critical to us as iFly and really haven't noticed any other app mis-behaving in a similar manner.
Here's the list:
iFly freezes, the tab cannot change screens, can't go to home screen. A hard boot will restart the tab. Usually one round of this will "solve" the issue, but occasionally the tab will freeze up immediately upon reboot and restarting iFly. This doesn't happen all the time and frankly the only time that it's locked up is when running iFly.
iFly freezes and we reboot tab. iFly cannot get GPS lock unless I connect to the internet first. Has happened a couple of times, but like all issues, doesn't happen consistently.
On final approach, GPS from iFly reports inaccurate altitudes. This is manifested by the audible terrain and altitude warnings we receive. Either the warning says "too low" when I'm turning final or it might decide to say "500" when I'm crossing the threshold. It acts like the GPS is being sluggish in reporting the altitude. And yes I fully realize that I tend to come in high on approach, but not that high and so far the safe landings = takeoffs....
Updating iFly data (charts etc). Have had the tab freeze up while downloading iFly data requiring hard boot. I'm curious what the behavior of iFly is supposed to be when the data stream is lost during data updates.
I apologize for the long winded post, but hopefully someone might post some ideas about what's behind the abnormal behavior.