Michael Marra wrote:
OK, all good, but...
What if we want to KEEP what we have set-up on our iFly EFB's now?
Be careful with the product names to avoid confusion: "iFlyGPS" = the original product, "iFlyEFB" = the new product. Even though both are technically EFB programs, if someone says "EFB" on here, most readers are going to think youi mean the new "iFlyEFB", especially if you type it like "iFly EFB". But in this case I think you meant to say, "...KEEP what we have set up on our iFlyGPS's now?"
Re: your question, AP has stated over and over again that there is no plan to abandon support for iFlyGPS for the foreseeable future, so you can expect it to keep working for a long time. However, they have stated that new development (additional features and refinement) will occur almost exclusively on the iFlyEFB product only, so what you've got today with iFlyGPS is pretty much where it will remain going forward.