is anyone pro moving to facebook? - iFly General Discussions

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General anyone pro moving to facebook?is anyone pro moving to facebook?
New Post
11/23/2021 6:10 PM

Don't have a Farcebook account and never intend to.

Powrachute PC 2000; Aventura II; Cherokee 180
New Post
11/23/2021 9:22 PM
Walter wrote:

Hey Guys, sounds like my FB idea isn't being well received.  As good as this forum has been over the years, it's very old technology and needs to be upgraded. My primary reason for change is to improve adoption by our community and make it easier to use. We have a couple of private groups for this, one for general discussion the other for beta.  I'll regroup with the team and try to find some other options, and we'll keep this up and running for now.

I appreciate your feedback!

Thanks for continuing your tradition of being responsive to customer feedback, Walter.  I have always hoped for significant improvements to the forum software, but I also knew that any effort AP spent improving the forum likely came at some cost to iFly product improvements, so as long as it wasn't completely broke, I was okay that it wasn't really getting fixed. 

I know it's probably annoying at best to have to spend resources on the forum, but I think there's been some significant benefit to both AP and AP's customers from it over the years, so I hope you don't begrudge it too much!

New Post
11/24/2021 12:14 PM

I have been quite busy at work, so I hadn't logged on to the forum for a number of weeks and just saw this thread.

Let me echo a number of posts, please do not go to facebook/social media route.  I much prefer the forum format for things like this.  I am looking for information.  I have a FB account, but never use it as I find it user-unfriendly.  I have many forums that I am registered with.  Some of those over the years have migrated to a Facebook-like format and useful participation drops significantly by many users.  Many stop participating altogether (myself included.)

Good to see, this decision is being reviewed and hope an acceptable solution may be found.


New Post
11/24/2021 6:24 PM

Thank you Walter. Strange as it may sound the amazing support and community cooperation through this forum over the years is quite honestly an important part of why I use iFly! Long may that continue.


New Post
11/25/2021 9:58 PM

Walter, sorry, I've just tuned in late. I'd hate for you to move this forum to Facebook for several reasons that others here have already mentioned. The Searey community has an owners-only website that works very well for technical matters. There are several Searey Facebook groups, but they're horrible for any technical purposes; and they're mostly frequented by people who just want social contacts, people you probably wouldn't seek out if you're interested in how things work.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General anyone pro moving to facebook?is anyone pro moving to facebook?