Mike D. wrote:Perhaps they did. I seem to remember a while ago they requested volunteers for (I forget exactly what) kind of project. Maybe this is just the project they had in mind. I would suspect that all those individuals are sworn to secrecy, thus they can't reveal their participation.
Well, you're certainly one of the top tier beta testers. So perhaps you're hinting, in a Noir-ish sort of way, that you are one of the testers. (Especially after Brolin's highlighting.)
Still, asking for volunteers for a project is not the same as actively asking top tier beta testers to get involved at the ground floor.
Well, what's done is done. I'm hoping for the best.
My concern is that history here has shown that there have been many "non-pilot" implementations built into iFly from the foundation that have been hard to undo/redo/change once the building is built.
I suppose it might be a "Pay me now, or pay me later" sort of thing. If it needs a lot of work to polish it once it's released to the regular Beta testers, then it might take a long time to release to Production.
Time will tell.