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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...What is the iFly 720?What is the iFly 720?
New Post
12/1/2011 8:37 PM

Naviextras lists under compatible devices the iFly 700 and the iFly 720.

Future hardware? New OS? The 700's big brother?

New Post
12/17/2011 9:20 AM

I guess big brother would best describe the new 720. It supposed to have a much brighter screen and be wi-fi capable with a cost around $750.00.

New Post
12/17/2011 11:34 PM

Will it have a battery?

New Post
12/18/2011 11:54 AM

This seems to be a closely guarded secret and understandably so because this would really curb the sale of external battery packs. Rumor is that it will NOT have an internal battery.

New Post
12/19/2011 9:03 AM

Not too closely guarded anymore. The 720 does not have an internal battery, but it does have a reboot protection circuit to guard against jiggling DC cord, dirty power, etc. This is basically a tiny 10 second battery, but not a battery in the traditional sense. I know some folks want an internal battery - but this would require everyone to pay an additional $100 for their iFly, and the weight of the unit would double, and dimensions would increase. So we're sticking with the no-internal-battery model; it's very easy to attach a battery if needed.

The 720 has a brighter screen, more appropriate for those in bright sun and a bubble canopy. It also has wifi capability, so you can interface with other devices such as the SkyRadar wirelessly, and it can perform software and data updates without having to download & move files around...just connect it to a wifi network and touch the Update button. Also it has a faster processor and more memory - these features have no immediate benefit but will enable the 720 to have some features that might not be possible on the 700 - such as 3D terrain mode. Right now the 720 is being sold only to beta users - the hardware is fully flushed out and production ready, but we have some software tweaks for auto update and a few other things. Hope this helps.


Walter Boyd
President, Adventure Pilot
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...What is the iFly 720?What is the iFly 720?