Correction on my post. My DYNON is D10 not D19.
There is supposed to be a dongle that gives accurate AHARS without having to buy a Stratus. I don't know how it would feed info to IFLY on my Android tablet. For instance, tIFLY pick up my ADSB via WiFi, but could it work with two WiFi signals or a WiFi for ADSB and Bluetooth from an AHRS dongle.
My ADSB is accurate, but the synth vision on iFLY is too slow to react to attitude change. The horizon overreacts to any pitch movements.
I have read the post where pilots are seeing if they could land with the synth. I am not even going to try this since my synth will be my out if I have an engine failure above an overcast. In this situation, the synth will be useful in getting me below the cloud layer, hopefully before impacting terrain.
I have simulated this benefit and it works well.
John M