iFly itself will let us view flight track history. But it doesn't have a side or altitude view.
A year or two ago I exported some logs to an online GPS visulizer that had more robust features, including plot on google earth, and one I was interested in... the side view or IIRR maybe even a synthetic 3D view. I was able to succeed back then.
Today I tried that at the site www.gpsvisualizer.com and got the error "No valid GPS data detected!"
The file I uploaded was of course from the #Logs folder inside the USER folder and had the format log_2017_08_21-12.51.47.txt .
The time and date on that file was obviously for the flight I was interested in.
Then I uploaded a file, also from the #Logs folder, of the format log_2017_07_05-11.43.43.log, and the visulizer digested and displayed that perfectly. But I saw no .log file for the flight date I was interested in.
So two questions:
1) Have any of you tried and had luck viewing flight track history on any visualizer tools? Any thoughts about that?
2) I notice in my #Logs folder some files end with .txt and some with .log extensions and some with .txt. And there is no obvious pattern of dates or other features that jump out hinting at why some dates are .txt and some .log.
For what it's worth all the files were generated in a 720, although under different versions of the iFly sofware. And, again, FWIW, all my log files from 8/13 to the present end in .txt. (though going back through time there are sequences of both .txt and .log files all the way back to 8/23/2016, but all files older than that, back to 2011 when my records start end with .log.
Any idea what's the story with the .log vs. .txt ?