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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Potential group buy for Radena SkyRadar (weather / traffic)Potential group buy for Radena SkyRadar (weather / traffic)
New Post
8/25/2011 2:38 PM

I'm curious how this will interface with the IFly. The Radenna box includes its own GPS receiver - will there be conflicts between the two or will it be that much more accurate? I'm definitely interested!

New Post
8/25/2011 2:38 PM

Deleted inadvertant double post.

New Post
8/26/2011 8:27 PM

I will also take one at 750 or less. Nice to have now, but as time goes on the price will drop.

New Post
8/26/2011 9:25 PM

Current count:

Interested at some level of discount: rvanpd, Allen, Jim, Viking Pilot, Richard (at $750), Wade, Dick Tasker, Skyflyr (current total 8).
Statement of willingness to buy at $750: Jim, PA-22, Bill, badger, Doug, dave ($855 or less), dshelley (10% discount or more), Alberto, Dale Alexander, FunFlying, Cobra, stack, iamdl, UrbanSurvival, NC Colt, John (current total 16).
I will contact Radena next week to see their willingness to discount at this level, and will post the result in this thread.

New Post
8/27/2011 8:02 PM

The weather feature is a must here in Florida , with our daily afternoon storms. Count me in @ $750. Warrior Greg

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Potential group buy for Radena SkyRadar (weather / traffic)Potential group buy for Radena SkyRadar (weather / traffic)