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New Post
7/18/2013 1:41 PM
I don't know if this helps, but...

I was getting occasional to regular outages with no pattern. Sometimes just a few minutes, other times an entire leg. Curious, because the iFly was mounted on the upper tubing just about a foot or so from the huge windscreen in my Citabria. Frustrating.

After reviewing what if anything had changed, it dawned on me that I placed the aluminum-like clad deflector under the skylight to keep the heat down in the summer. Ordered an external antenna (could not find the original), glued it to the inside rear of the skylight, and viola! No more outages.

Robert Szego
Bellanca-Champion Club
Aeronca Aviators Club
New Post
7/18/2013 1:43 PM
My iFly 720 is not mounted. I rest it on the verniers while flying and I found I like that more than anything because I can pick it up and do things with it a lot easier. I like the unit but do not like the uncertainty of it's use and don't understand the constant problem solving associated with it. Like many I have gone through some units but without one issue with them. I have to check this site all the time to keep up. This particular day I placed the iFly on the floor against the seat of the RV. The canopy was closed about 75% in about a 80 degree day. It was not that bad in the airplane but perhaps it was overheated, however, it was in the shade. It would not come on line after an hour flight. So, what is too hot? If that's what's going on.
New Post
7/19/2013 1:30 PM

So, didn't have to do much trouble shooting last night. Pulled the plane out of the hangar, fired up the iFly, and had 11 satellites. Picked up the external antenna and held it in my fist, kept all 11. I'm thinking the antenna is kaput. I have my iFly flush mounted in my panel not too far under my glareshield. I'm suprised I have such good reception using the internal when mounted this way. Just ordered a new antenna - $28 for a new one isn't too bad to see if it fixes my issues. Just hope it arrives in time for my trip to OSH!

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